Which plumbing tools every plumber should have in their toolbox?


A plumber’s ability to do their job efficiently and effectively is dependent on having the right tools. From wrenches and cutters to augers and gauges, plumber of tools to install, repair, and maintain pipes, drains, water lines, and fixtures in homes and commercial buildings. While the specific tools required may vary depending on the plumbing task at hand, there are certain staple items that every plumber has available in their toolbox.

  • Pipe wrenchesplumber in Rose Bay wrenches are adjustable wrenches designed for holding and turning pipes and fittings. They come in handy when loosening or tightening pipes and are a must-have for any plumber. The two most common types are tongue-and-groove pipe wrenches and chain pipe wrenches.
  • Hack saw – A hacksaw with an extra blade is essential for cutting plastic, copper, or galvanized pipes to size before installation. Plumbers frequently need to cut piping to custom lengths for a job.
  • Tube cutter – Tube cutters are efficient, portable tools that can accurately cut copper tubing for plumbing purposes. They provide clean, straight cuts without damaging the tubing, allowing for leak-free connections.
  • Basin wrench – A basin wrench is a long, adjustable wrench designed to reach the nuts that hold faucets and fittings in place underneath sinks. Its long handle and jaws set at an angle allow plumbers to loosen connections easily.
  • Channel lock pliers – Channel-lock pliers function as adjustable wrenches suitable for gripping plumbing fixtures. Their versatile, gripping design allows plumbers to twist, turn, or hold pipes and fittings.
  • Torpedo level – A small torpedo level comes in handy for ensuring pipes are aligned vertically and horizontally during installation. Plumbers to confirm appliances and fixtures are level.
  • Wire brush – Keeping a wire brush with steel bristles in a toolkit helps plumbers thoroughly clean the edges of pipes before soldering or brazing to achieve solid, leak-free joints.
  • Tubing cutter – A tubing cutter is used to neatly cut flexible tubing, such as PEX tubing, to size without squashing it. The cutter’s sharp-bladed wheel slices cleanly through the tubing.
  • Flaring tool – A flaring tool shapes the end of copper tubing into a flared fitting to connect with compression fittings and valves. The flaring allows the tubing to seal tightly against the fitting.
  • Utility knife – A utility knife with extra blades comes in handy for general purposes like cutting through drywall, opening boxes, and scraping surfaces. Plumbers use utility knives frequently for small cutting jobs.
  • Flashlight – No toolbox is complete without a durable, lightweight flashlight. In dark crawlspaces and cabinets, a reliable flashlight illuminates work areas for plumbers.
  • Pliers – Standard slip joint pliers come in handy for loosening and tightening compression fittings, holding pipes, and cutting smaller wires. Needle nose pliers are ideal for more delicate tasks.

The right plumbing tools allow installers, contractors, and plumbers to efficiently complete repairs and installations – whether they are working in crowded crawlspaces or commercial settings. Equipping their toolbox with the proper tools is one way plumbers are fully prepared to complete every job successfully.